Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Event in Wisconsin!!

December 4th – 2011 @ 10:00 am – Rain, Snow, Sleet, Gale or Shine!
Veteran’s Memorial Park Bandshell - Lake Street, Port Washington, Wisconsin, WI
fat-bikes only (3.7″ minimum tire width)
No FatBike? – Go Shopping!
Riders (Male or Female) must sport a mustache to race – Females or Males (with boyfriends that don’t allow mustaches) can draw or glue mustaches on the upper lip area. No Beards or Goatees – Rideburns (patent pending) are allowed.
Best Mustaches will be provided Preferred Starting Positions.
This is an out and back race of ~16 miles of sand and rock beach. Cash Prizes for the top 3 finishers in Men’s and Women’s Division.
A portion of the proceeds will go to http://us.movember.com/ and the fight to cure prostate cancer.
$20 (cash only) per racer – Helmets Required

Taken from FAT-BIKE.COM


  1. Can males who can only grow a crappy natural mustache count? Seriously, I don't have much to work with in that department. Preferred starting positions be damned.

  2. Its not my race and Im upset that I cant race with my beard!! Im not shaving!
